Tuesday 6 November 2007

Nature vs Nurture: a positive outlook

I mailed my uncle recently (not the one from one of my earlier posts) and one of my comments about hitting 40 was how, in my youth, it took me a long time to realise that I wouldn't be a professional footballer, citing at one point, "it takes some people longer than others to come to terms with their mediocrity". (I am not having a mid-life crisis by the way - at least, I don't think so :-/).

My uncle was a journalist for many years and has had a novel published, and I really appreciated the wisdom and sentiment in his reply, so put it on the web because there are some words that I thought might be interesting to others (you never know!). Here is the abridged version of his reply. I hope it isn't too cloying :

Glad you got the birthday card. With the Post Office strike (then) entering its second week we were wondering if it would ever be received.


Come to terms with mediocrity....it's a feeling often felt as you grow older. I was sure I was going to be the youngest editor of a national newspaper in Fleet St, believing that I was the best reporter that ever walked the hallowed streets of London;

Alas it never was to be but I have still lived (and hope to extend it) an incredible life full of excitement, tragedy and stacks and stacks of fun and enjoyment.

Now in retirement it doesn't move at the same pace but is still there to be lived and four grandchildren have opened up a new vista. Life does go on.


I thought of writing on and started another book but a voice was constantly saying to me that there's much to do; you spent your life writing to earn a living; why spend days indoors pounding away on the typewriter (ooops! word processor) get out and enjoy life.


Take care and whatever happens be happy and be lucky. You don't need anything else.

I really liked his reply and I hope you did too.

Some people say you make your own luck, but luck, by its very nature, is uncontrollable.

Being happy though, is something we should be able to have some control on. That's the premise I'm working on in any case, but I'm lucky (sic) that this hasn't really been put to the test as of yet.


ArcticFox said...

Isn't there a famous saying....

"All men are created mediocre.... only some are more mediocre than others!!" - Mr. A. FoX


solla said...

I knew it went something like that - I don't claim credit for it, although neither can Mr A. Fox...

Pixie said...

When I die I hope my eulogy will be read by a mate who says it like it is - she couldn't cook, she made mad decisions, impulsive, useless with money, had a thing about "frocks" but she squeezed every last drop out of life and had fun.

I'm with your Uncle ....(well not literally ...)

